The Talisman is a deeply meaningful present.
Be it to yourself or to somebody else.
“A Talisman is an object ascribed with
magical powers to protect, guide and
empower individuals
to whom they are given to.”
Ancient wisdom says, there is a vibration
inside of a symbol, that attracts the meaning
of the Symbol, to its owner.
The Sun
Clarity. Growth. Enlightenment.
She re-charges you.
The Peacock Feather
Abundance. Elegance. Longevity.
She supports you with new beginnings.
The Shell
Inner healing. Fertility. Resilience.
She guards against negative energy.
The Moon and Stars
Intuition. Guidance. Manifestations.
All you need, is already inside you.
The Symbol of the Heart
Peace. Joy. Protection.
Love yourself. Love others. Love big.